Road School Moms

Road School Moms

Independent Learners by Nature or Design

June 12, 2017


Independent learners, by nature or design, is the focus for Episode #132 from the Planning a Successful Roadschool Year series. Kimberly Travaglino, co-founder of Fulltime Families, calls in from the west cost from her beautiful coastal location. Mary Beth Goff, the Road Trip Teacher, refers to her call-in location from the gulf coast of Southwest Florida. Tips from this broadcast come from these traveling mamas' rolling homeschools while living full-time in a RV.

Listeners hear a few tips about independent learning from the 10th season series sponsor, Time4Learning. The comprehensive K-12 online curriculum is a favorite from the Roadschool Moms Approved resources and used by both KT and MB in their own roadschools. The duo reminds listeners that independent learners are not born! Consequently, they are trained.

Guiding independent learners is a challenge. Moreover, keeping an independent student interested and learning is another part of the picture. This over-the-road team with 30+ years of mom-experience highlights ways to accomplish these goals by training roadschoolers in these areas:

* Self-Motivation
* Curiosity
* Persistence
* Critical Thinking
* Responsibility

First of all, hone in on these characteristics and help your kiddos help themselves. Independent learning is the greatest gift you will ever give to your homeschooler.

Family read-aloud time is a great way to ignite the spark of curiosity for independent readers. If a plane enthusiast is in the midst, find a book set in the World War II time period. This teaches historical information and provides an introduction to the reader of fighter planes. Have kids that are enthralled in the prairie life era? Introduce the Little House series from the Prairie Life book club or start your next read-aloud session with Little House in the Big Woods. It's all about listening to the nature of your kids and designing their surroundings with subjects or ideas to help them grow.

In conclusion, this Roadschool Moms episode wouldn't be complete without the dynamic duo the mention of Morning Time. This is their favorite element to the roadschool day. Further, Mary Beth refers to the Morning Time plans she is working on to share with other moms from the Learning Shoppe over at Road Trip Teacher. Kimberly reminds listeners that Morning Time is not complicated. As a matter of fact, it is a simple process. The RSM team agrees that their favorite recommendation for a Morning Time starting point is from Holly Giles. For more details on that idea, hit the replay on the podcast about Morning Time by Nature.

Looking for a roadmap for your next learning adventure? Scroll through the RSM library on iTunes to find more than 130 podcast replays.

Homeschool enrollment is on the rise. More and more families are moving into a home on wheels. As a result, the R...
