Road School Moms

Road School Moms

Andrew Pudewa – LIVE from FPEA

May 31, 2017

Andrew Pudewa, founder of Institute for Excellence in Writing, joins Roadschool Moms LIVE from FPEA 2017. Amongst the flurry of the homeschool convention in Orlando, FL, the mastermind behind the IEW shares his flair for the love of writing.

If you are looking for a roadmap for your next learning adventure, scroll through the RSM library on iTunes to find more than 120 podcast replays.

Roadschool Moms is a live, one-hour weekly broadcast dedicated to the needs and challenges facing today’s roadschool moms. Kimberly Travaglino, co-founder of Fulltime Families, and Mary Beth Goff, the creator of Road Trip Teacher, team up every week to offer listeners a fresh take on homeschooling while traveling full time across America’s backyard.
