Road School Moms

Road School Moms

Vision for a Successful Roadschool Year

May 09, 2017


It's time to look ahead to next year's roadschool plan. The Roadschool Moms team begins a 12-part series all about planning a successful roadschool year. Up first: Your traveling homeschool needs a vision! Special guest, Mary Jane Williams joins MB this week to share her tips on developing a mission for this important piece of the fulltime RVing family puzzle.

These veteran homeschool moms are here to remind listeners that it's never too early to plan for the next school year. Tune in to this episode to find out how to stay on track and be intentional with next year’s learning adventure.

Every family's goals are different. This podcast message is a reminder that comparison is a thief; therefore, it's important to develop a plan that works for your household. Questions to lead you down the right path include:

* What does education mean to your family?
* Do your kids have specific interests to be addressed this year?
* What are your spiritual goals?
* How will your travel goals factor into your plans?
* What life skills can you introduce to your kids?
* Are non-academic areas a focus for your family?
* How can goals be achieved for each roadschooler individually while keeping the vision for your family unit?

Other homeschool planning advice this week's show brings to the table include staying off social media for this important task. Instead, look to your heart for the vision needed for a successful roadschool year.

It wouldn't be a Roadschool Moms show without the discussion of travel plans. These mamas share  great tips on how to integrate travel goals into homeschool plans. Mary Jane talks about past trips in national parks, popular destinations, and food locales to find the best learning adventures. A few nuggets of information is revealed from their family's  priorities for future travel and where it will take them later this year.

This podcast is summed up with the thought
Children are not things to be molded, but people to be unfolded.
Roadschool moms everywhere are challenged to set a VISION for next year's roadschool  that will intentionally unfold their children while adding wisdom to the family homeschool foundation.

 If you are looking for a roadmap for your next learning adventure, scroll through the RSM library on iTunes to find more than 120 podcast replays.

Roadschool Moms is a live, one-hour weekly broadcast dedicated to the needs and challenges facing today’s roadschool moms. Kimberly Travaglino, co-founder of Fulltime Families, and Mary Beth Goff, the creator of Road Trip Teacher, team up every week to offer listeners a fresh take on homeschooling while traveling full time across America's backyard.
