Road School Moms

Road School Moms

Easter Message: What Do You Deserve?

April 17, 2017

This Easter Sunday, KT and MB chat a bit about the philosophy of getting what you deserve.  The philosophy in our culture teaches us that the harder we work, the more we deserve. Whether it's a daily latte, a luxury car, that big house on the hill, or the annual fancy vacation, we believe that we are deserving of these fine things.

But, God’s Kingdom is a topsy turvy world in that we all fall short. We are all sinners and yet, we are saved by grace. While our sins earn us separation from the Lord, our Father created a way for each of us to have eternal life. Through faith, we are saved. This is not what we deserve.

This reward system is a contradiction to the everyday American idea that you work hard so you can play hard. Our culture is built on the idea that if you work hard enough, you will be rewarded with the things you so deserve. God doesn't teach this idea. As a matter of fact, God doesn't issue a ticket to heaven based on your work ethic. Everlasting life in His kingdom is based on one simple action. Believe.

You can't work your way into heaven. At the end of the day, the end of your life, God does not tally up the hours you toll. He doesn't measure your worth by anything you do at all! Instead, he gives us the opportunity to have everlasting life by believing in Him. No work involved. No merit pay. No time card needed. Your eternal vacation has already been booked! God sent his only son to pay the debt. We earn it by a following this one single command. "For whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

In this special Easter message, Kimberly and Mary Beth encourage you to do these two things:

* Practice grace daily
* Show love one to one another

For this is how you will receive exactly what you do not deserve. Click play now for an inspiring Easter message from your Roadschool Moms.

Roadschool Moms is a live, one-hour weekly broadcast dedicated to the needs and challenges facing today’s roadschool moms. Kimberly Travaglino, co-founder of Fulltime Families, and Mary Beth Goff, the creator of Road Trip Teacher, team up every week to offer listeners a fresh take on homeschooling while traveling full time across America's backyard. Scroll through the RSM library on iTunes to find more than 100 podcast replays that contain episodes for encouragement from wherever in the world they are.
