Roads From Emmaus

Roads From Emmaus

Latest Episodes

The Power of Remembering Jesus Christ (Feb. 10, 2019)
February 12, 2019

Memory is powerful. And to a significant degree, it makes us what we are, shapes how we experience life, and influences what we do and say. And the acts of remembering that we engage in further shape us. Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses all this in ter

The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand, So How Do I Repent? (Jan. 13, 2019)
January 16, 2019

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick unpacks the preaching of Christ and John the Forerunner - 'Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand' - discussing what all of those terms really mean for everyday Christian life.

False Gods on the Theophany Icon (Jan. 6, 2019)
January 13, 2019

Springboarding off a blog post by Fr. Stephen De Young ('Theophany and the River Gods'), Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses what Theophany means in terms of God's defeat of false religion.

You Can’t See Heaven If All You Look at is Earth (Dec. 9, 2018)
December 13, 2018

In Luke 13, Jesus heals a woman bent over for 18 years. Bringing in the commentary of St. Theophylact of Ohrid, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick talks about how this woman is an image of our own souls and how we perceive what is heavenly.

The Samaritan and St. Martin (Nov. 11, 2018).
November 21, 2018

On the feast of St. Martin of Tours, Fr. Andrew uses his story as well as the Gospel of the Good Samaritan to show how what we do and what we give depends a great deal on how we perceive our lives.

What We Own is Sacred Because We Are Sacred (Oct. 14, 2018).
October 27, 2018

With the teaching on the sacredness of icons of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick demonstrates how our theology about the blessedness of material reality also means that we have to dedicated what we own to God.

Christianity is Not a Fair Deal (Sept. 30, 2018).
October 05, 2018

Speaking on 2 Cor. 9:6-11, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses why Christianity isn't a fair exchange and also why we often can't see what God is giving us.

Christianity is Not a Fair Deal (Sept. 30, 2018).
October 05, 2018

Speaking on 2 Cor. 9:6-11, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses why Christianity isn't a fair exchange and also why we often can't see what God is giving us.

Engaging with the Non-Orthodox: Reflections with Notes from the Church Fathers
September 13, 2018

Addressing alumni and seminarians at St. Tikhon's Seminary in South Canaan, Pennsylvania, during the year-opening retreat, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick challenges them to have conversations with the non-Orthodox and not to settle for falling into either pole

Engaging with the Non-Orthodox: Reflections with Notes from the Church Fathers
September 13, 2018

Addressing alumni and seminarians at St. Tikhon's Seminary in South Canaan, Pennsylvania, during the year-opening retreat, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick challenges them to have conversations with the non-Orthodox and not to settle for falling into either pole
