Ritalin Salt Lick

Ritalin Salt Lick

Latest Episodes

Episode 18 - Frah's CD Collection
April 19, 2019

Gangs back to full force...well everyone is at least present this week. Also, Frahmenews is a doozy!

Episode 17 - Reeb-less
April 19, 2019

Surprisingly the show does go on without one of our pillars of idiocy.

Episode 16 - Careful, this one is NSFW!!!
April 19, 2019

Fresh out of the gate the crew hits an all time low in content quality. Make sure you strap on...uh IN for this episode!

Episode 15 - We're Not Friends
April 19, 2019

The boys figure out just what it means to be friends...

Episode 14 - Marveling at the PC Master-Race
April 19, 2019

Guys discuss Ms. Marvel, PC Gaming, Streaming vs. Cable TV and Frah drops some news.

Episode 13 - Cheater Cheater, Fruit-for-Dessert Eater
March 04, 2019

Lucky number 13 is a good one! Topics covered are: Jack Black's non-gaming gaming YouTube channel, cheating in games and Cheeeeezie gets grated.

Episode 12 - Facial Hair and Cheeeeezie's Crappy Subjects
February 25, 2019

Crew discusses what it takes to be a man and have facial hair and Frah drops some disgusting news.

Episode 11 - Reeb Is an Apex Legend
February 19, 2019

Little more game intensive this week for the guys, oh and Cheeeeezie doesn't scream....as much.

Episode 10 - Loudness Abounds
February 14, 2019

The crew celebrates the inaugural double digit episode with plenty of volume.

Episode 9 - Rebels Without a Show Outline
February 14, 2019

We aimlessly wander through this episode bouncing off of TV shows, Frah's drinking "problem" and the Anthem demo.
