RIJcast - Everything You (Didn't Know You) Care About - Talking Head Podcasts

RIJcast - Everything You (Didn't Know You) Care About - Talking Head Podcasts

Ep. 98: An Interview with a Cuddler

May 11, 2015

Rashaan got curious. Falling upon an idea, intrigued, confused, partially amused, he dug deeper. The idea was that, out there in the world, were people who had made it their lives mission to make others feel more complete, comforted and accepted. Those people were professional cuddlers. Not content to just Google the phenomenon and continue his day, he reached out to Khadijah Hall, Cuddle Queen on Atlanta, for more information. Not only did she give him the info he was seeking, she agreed to come on our show and give us the lay of the cuddling land. What started as a quirky idea that was sure to be filled with snickering and unending creepiness turned into one of the most interesting conversations we have ever put on the internet and is guaranteed to make you think twice before you write off the idea of platonic touch therapy. Special thanks to the folks at ZnuggleUp for giving us the chance to learn more, make sure you let them know what you think!
