Twistory Tales - The Richard Usher Comedy Podcast

Twistory Tales - The Richard Usher Comedy Podcast

Blog Off, Ben Bernard! Episode Sixteen: Ben Bernard Gets Creative!

July 28, 2019

The #MasterOfMirth is always on hand to help out a pal, and with Carboot Colin off to the wholesalers, Ben Bernard has kindly stepped in to stack some shelves and mind the store of #WeStillSellIt. Thinking he was in for a quiet time, our hero is soon taken aback by a surprise visitor…

Written & Performed by Richard Usher & Geoff MotleyEdited and Produced by Richard UsherBen Bernard Theme by John Ryan‘Ben Bernard’ Created by Richard A. Usher & Paul Speed‘Blog Off, Ben Bernard!’ © Richard A. Usher & Larynx Productions 2003 & 2019
