Rhythm of Profitability sponsored by Azola Creative

Rhythm of Profitability sponsored by Azola Creative

No More Maybe's

March 25, 2016

Maybe.  What an awful word.  Maybe is worse than yes or no in my book.  Maybe means, continue to be confused, continue to wait, continue to think it over.  I know it doesn't always feel like it when the answer is no, but isn't no 100x better than a maybe?  Maybe can drag on for months putting your life on hold.  Maybe you'll get that new job.  Maybe you'll take that vacation.  Maybe you'll make it big!  Well, I want you to stop thinking about maybe and use this week's podcast as a way to create some certainty in areas of your life where you have too many maybe's.  Don't think about listening to this podcast.  Maybe you will, maybe you won't...NO!  You'll either listen or you won't.  Get out of maybe-land.
