Rhythm of Profitability sponsored by Azola Creative

Rhythm of Profitability sponsored by Azola Creative

One is the Phoniest Number You'll Ever Be

February 12, 2016

Being an artrepreneur can feel like a very lonely role sometimes.  You're on your own trying to create something that is your passion and yours alone.  What are the right moves?  How do you avoid the depression that can come with being on your own?  You have well meaning people out there reminding you that what you want to do is tough, maybe you need a plan b.  One can be lonely, but if you're truly alone, you're just being a phony.  There's plenty of community out there ready to mentor you and share with you.  Learn how to overcome the loneliness of being an artrepreneur.  Dan Miller, 48 Days to the work you love is mentioned, Coaching with Excellence is mentioned and Sutton Parks is the featured music artist.
