

Episode 172: Background Noise

October 30, 2014


Um, welcome to Retcast? Not sure if you can hear me. This week, Dash joins Billy and Brandon to try and talk over all the shit happening in the background!

We open the show by discussing our fears and phobias, and then Billy and Brandon talk about Misery. Brandon plugs a new podcast he’s been listening to: Reasonably Sound. As expected, we also gush about the newly released Avengers 2 trailer, and we close the show with a bit more game theory, discussing Call of Duty and its effect on the young and uneducated. Be sure to check out Dash’s Multiverse.  There’s also some post-outro comic talk (for all you nerds).

Our new schedule should be up very soon, so be sure to shoot us some emails for our upcoming guests. Thanks for listening!
