Take 10 with Will Luden

Take 10 with Will Luden

Latest Episodes

Ending Gun Violence: Punish The Criminals
July 15, 2022

With the current emphasis being on it is all about the guns, this episode will add a strong pitch for tough gun crime penalties. That is the subject of todays short-form episode.It is always dangerous and wrong to ascribe responsibility 100% to any perso

How To Get Good Government: The Formula
July 01, 2022

If we are going to get the politicians the nation needs, we must be the voters the nation needs. Politicians reflect the electorate. That is the subject of today's short-form episode.Question: How do we get a government of thoughtful, dedicated public ser

The Candy Bomber Lives: Is It You?
June 24, 2022

Post WWII in Berlin, Russia engaged in one of its many and continuing attempts to expand its land, power and influence by harming millions of others. The US responded with the heroic and surprisingly successful Berlin Airlift, saving Berlin from the venge

Juneteenth: What Does It Mean?
June 17, 2022

Independence Day, AKA the Fourth of July, and Juneteenth both represent relentlessly continuing progress and freedom for all. That is the subject of today's short-form episode.Of the usual 11 Federal Holidays, 4 of them, over one-third of our holidays, ce

“Forever Amber” Amber Heard: MeToo or Believe All Women
June 10, 2022

"Believe all women," hurts MeToo. Fair trials with competent attorneys on both sides support both justice and MeToo. No coincidence. That is the subject of today's short-form episode.The Johnny Depp/Amber Heard celebrity abuse and poop spectacle proved a

Enough Is Enough! Now For The Specifics About More Gun Laws
June 03, 2022

"Enough is Enough" is an empty phrase, right up there with Do Something! We need implementable specifics, or it is all just posturing. That is the subject of today's short-form episode.An empty phrase, right up there with Do Something! Unless the peop

[REPLAY] Financial Literacy For Our Kids (And Us) (EP. 375)
May 27, 2022

Financial literacy for our kids and for us. Simple rules, hard to follow. I often learn, including learning financial literacy, by teaching my children. The rules for understanding financial literacy, and financial success, like the rules for succeeding i

Ponder These Curiosities--And Get Back To Me
May 13, 2022

This is a combination of what I call Everyday Wisdom and political oddities. Get back to me with a few of yours. That is the subject of today's 15 minute episode.=========================== CONNECT WITH ME: ===========================YOUTUBE: Subscribe

Abortion Kills Humans: Is That Okay?
May 06, 2022

The two critical questions in the abortion debate are: 1. When does human life begin? and 2. When is it permissible for the state to sanction the taking of that human life? My answer to question 1. At the time of conception. Regarding question 2. The stat

Disney, Florida, Gays & You
April 29, 2022

Once, Disney nurtured, delighted and educated the young, and gays were fags. Neither is true today. One change is bad, the other is good. That is the subject of today's 10-minute episode.What's the resolution? How do we go forward in the 14 months before
