RESET: A Gaming Podcast

RESET: A Gaming Podcast

Latest Episodes

#83 – Bloodborne 2 confirmed? Well no, but maybe.
December 11, 2017

So without knowing for sure that FromSoftware’s teaser shown off at The Game Awards was teasing Bloodborne 2, we thought we’d send an email to their press mailbox for confirmation. We got an almost instantaneous reply from mailer-daemon,

#82 – Careful who you play Hidden Agenda with
December 03, 2017

A great scholar once said “there’s no time like the present, and there’s no present like cash”. And with that in mind, welcome to episode 82. What have we been up to this last week you ask? First of all, cool it with the invasive questions.

#81 – Need for Speed Pay-pack. It’s wordplay.
November 26, 2017

It’s Awards season baby and you know what that means. Or at least we’re hoping you do, cause we don’t. Shoot us an email and let us know please. Anyway, one of us seems to have developed an obsession with terribly mediocre games and has picked up Need ...

#80 – We (kind of) regret buying Star Wars: Battlefront 2
November 21, 2017

Okay, so last week we said we weren’t going to buy Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Well we lied. We couldn’t help it, and now we’re on a one-way trip to h-e-double hockey sticks. We’ll say hi to the EA executive team when we get there.

#79 – Celebrating the Xbox One X and all gaming consoles
November 12, 2017

Console yourself for this week’s episode cause we’re talking about gaming consoles like the lovely new Xbox One X, with a value proposition that simply can’t be beat: 6 teraflops and no games. We’ve had hands on time with the world’s most powerful cons...

#78 – Super Mario Odyssey is an absolute delight
November 07, 2017

Alright, here’s the 411 folks: we’ve both passed Super Mario Odyssey and we can confirm the game is deee-lish. If you’ve got a Switch but haven’t picked up Odyssey yet, stop reading this episode synopsis and leg it to your nearest gaming outlet and han...

#77 – Best of PAX Aus 2017
October 30, 2017

PAX is over for another year and now it’s time to cry til our tears fill up the room so we can eventually go swimming and feel happiness again. That’ll take a while though so in the meantime give us a listen, cause we’re doing a PAX Aus 2017 round-up.

#76 – PAX Aus 2017 Preshow
October 23, 2017

You heading in to PAX later this week? No? Oh. Well if you are, strap in and hold onto your butt cause we’re taking you on a PAX Aus 2017 crash course. From AAA exhibitors to indies, we’ve got you covered. And if that’s not enough: well obviously there...

#75 – Shadow of War and Fortnite Battle Royale
October 16, 2017

It’s been a delish week: Tegan finally got her hands on the much anticipated Middle-earth: Shadow of War and Michael lost his Battle Royale virginity with Fortnite. They say you never forget your first time,

#74 – EB Expo 2017 Round-up
October 09, 2017

This last week, we jumped on a flight from stupid gloomy Melbourne to sunny Gold Coast to attend EB Expo 2017. And boy oh boy, what a delish expo it was. This week we’ll be discussing our hands on time with Detroit: Become Human, Gran Turismo: Sport,
