Relationology Podcast with Matt Bird

Relationology Podcast with Matt Bird

Latest Episodes

Personal Branding: How Do I Need To Change?
August 03, 2015

Creating, strengthening or transforming our personal branding requires a deliberate and consistent approach to our daily habits and behaviours. The only way to change our personal branding is to create a different user experience...

Personal Branding: What Do I Want To Be Known For?
July 27, 2015

Our personal branding goal is no different than any other goal we might set ourselves. The process of imagining precisely what we want to achieve, finding words to articulate it, writing those words down and recollecting them daily increases our chance...

Personal Branding: What Am I Most Known For?
July 20, 2015

What we are known for or our reputation is at the heart of what determines our personal branding. Personal branding is strengthened as we become more socially aware and conscious about the perceptions that other people have about us...

Personal Branding: Who Am I?
July 13, 2015

There isn’t a person reading or listening to this blog who couldn’t better know who they are. Personal branding is strengthened as we become more self aware, comfortable in our own skin and more transparent to the outside world...

Public Speaking: Master Your Stagecraft
June 29, 2015

In your time I’m sure you’ve seen it all. The speaker so full of uncontrolled energy that they walk back and forth so much you feel like you are watching a game of tennis. The industry guru who presents their years of experience using death by power po...

Public Speaking: Have A Natural Conversation
June 22, 2015

My family and I were holidaying in the ‘land of mouse’ the Florida version. It was two weeks of Mickey Mouse, southern fried food and American customer service the latter of which is frankly unbeatable. One afternoon we decided to take a very popular r...

Public Speaking: Create Memorable Content
June 15, 2015

The Vice President of marketing for a global brand was delivering the keynote speech at a business conference I was attending. He was talking about the speed of product and market innovation and the need to change our development approach from 'plan an...

Public Speaking: Know Your Audience Well
June 08, 2015

In my early years as a public speaker I remember turning up to speak at an event and as I began the introduction to my talk I asked if anyone had met me before. You can imagine my amazement when everyone raised their hands.

Public Speaking: Start With The End In Mind
May 31, 2015

It was a summers afternoon on the terrace of the House of Commons, where we were gathered to hear about the work of a community charity. The occasion was helped along by good company, a cup of tea and plentiful clotted cream and jam scones.

Improve Resilience By Retreating From Busyness And Noise
May 10, 2015

Once every couple of months I take a day out from my business and head for a Monastery. One of the interesting things about Monasticism is that their communities live in silence, even community meals are taken in complete silence.
