Regular Cool Mom

Regular Cool Mom

Ep. 80: Winter Catch-Up

January 21, 2020

We’re back!! We are podcasting again after a long winter break and we are excited to fill you in on all the things that have been happening over the past few weeks.

Join us as we discuss our Christmas highs and lows, our favorite and least favorite presents, the projects we tackled, the trips we took, the pets we won, the illnesses we beat, and the best things we did over break!

As always, we love to hear from you! How was your Christmas break? Were you able to maintain your sanity with your kids out of school for two weeks? Were you able to make it through unscathed by illness? Leave us a comment on Instagram and let us know!

Also, if you hear jingling, grunting, and all around strange noises in the background, that’s just the cute pup that Joy is watching for her friend.

Thanks for listening!
