Regular Cool Mom

Regular Cool Mom

Ep 73: Broken Bones

November 06, 2019

This week we are chatting about the craziness that comes with caring for kids who have broken a bone.  Lissi shares her experiences with all the different types of broken bone scenarios they have dealt with in their house, from having a spica cast with a toddler to having a broken arm with a big kid.

Join us as we talk about the intricacies and challenges of caring for a child with a broken limb.

We hope you never have to deal with a broken bone, but if you do, this episode will prepare you with tips, tricks, and what to expect.

As always, we would love to hear from you!  What tips do you have for someone who is dealing with a child with a broken bone?  Have you ever had an experience with a spica cast?  We want to hear all your thoughts. 

Leave us a comment on instagram and tell us everything.  Thanks for listening!
