RefluxMD, Inc.

RefluxMD, Inc.

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How to enjoy Natural Heartburn Relief
April 04, 2018

Heartburns is one of the painful situations to feel because it causes a severe ache in the heart and surrounding areas continuously. Get more information about Natural Heartburn Relief visit:

Barrett’s Disease causes, symptoms and remedies
April 03, 2018

Well, Barrett’s Disease is, in fact, the serious complication of Gastro esophageal Reflux, also referred to as Acid Reflux or GERD. And, Barrett’s Disease, occurs when the chronic Barrett’s Disease perpetuates for a long time untreated.

Importance of Resolving Indigestion Issues to Avoid Acid Reflux
April 03, 2018

The most significant symptom is heartburn, though it signifies extreme acid reflux. In other cases, you may experience some mild symptoms, like lack of appetite, stomach upset, acid reflux nausea, etc.

Trouble Swallowing
April 02, 2018

Dysphagia will occur at any age; however, it's a commonly present in older adults. The causes of Trouble swallowing issues vary, and treatment depends on the cause.

Natural Treatments Available For Acid Reflux
March 30, 2018

Solved very easily using the Acid Reflux Home Treatment Remedies. Therefore one must surely cure this by oneself before curing it through medicines.

Hiatal Hernia Symptom
March 29, 2018

Hiatal Hernia Symptom are not clear to everyone and so in this post I have highlighted the common symptoms that are usually faced by patients suffering from this health issue. If you find any symptoms matching with yourself, immediately visit a doctor wi.

What Is GERD?
March 28, 2018

People suffering from GERD need to make lifestyle changes and avoid intake of certain foods. It is also suggested to prevent bending exercises to prevent ...

Acid Reflux during Pregnancy and Effective Natural Based Remedies
March 27, 2018

For acid reflux relief during pregnancy, several medicines and prevention methods are there. In the following section, we shall discuss those medications and prevention processes.

GERD Treatment
March 27, 2018

Actually what is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease? Gastroesophageal refers to the abdomen and muscular structure. Reflux suggests that to flow back or come back. Get more ...

A quick guide to GERD medications
March 23, 2018

GERD medications need to be used very cautiously and should not be taken without consulting with a physician. I have enlisted some common GERD medications ...
