The Reembody Podcast

The Reembody Podcast

Chronic Pain Couldn’t Stop Her

July 19, 2021

Hope for Healthcare, Episode 14 |  with Dr. Angela Cortal

This is Hope for Healthcare, where patients and providers share the messy, intimate, real stories that have defined their relationship with healthcare—and might just help you define yours.

“I’m weak, I’m broken: There were just a lot of labels I put on myself. The labels were the last to go because they were the last to be addressed and acknowledged.”


Dr. Angela is an Oregon-based Naturopathic Doctor who has made it her mission to change how we approach and treat chronic joint pain by reversing the causes of arthritis, one joint at a time.

She is passionate about this topic because of her own history with a debilitating knee injury that caused years of chronic pain, feeling stuck, and feeling like she was out of options.

Through her clinical practice, best selling book, and online education, she teaches her patients and the public her framework for looking at and treating chronic joint issues using a root-cause approach. Her goal is to help everyone experiencing chronic joint pain to get healing, moving, and feeling their best as Dr. Angela has done for herself and thousands of her patients.

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