The Reembody Podcast

The Reembody Podcast

The Practitioner who Overcame Burnout

June 14, 2021

Hope for Healthcare, Episode 11 |  with Tiffany North

This is Hope for Healthcare, where patients and providers share the messy, intimate, real stories that have defined their relationship with healthcare–and might just help you define yours.

“When I worked at the hospital, it felt like I could pour every ounce of myself into trying to help people, and make very little impact… Now, I have the agency to help people in a way that doesn’t harm me.

Tiffany north

Tiffany North, RN

As an RN, Certified Intuitive Eating counselor, and creator of the Food Attachment Model ™ , Coach Tiffany helps women with disordered eating finally heal their relationship with food so they find freedom, balance, and satisfaction. She helps clients to stop the binge/shame/restrict cycle. Her coaching is focused on body respect and is a HAES and anti-diet approach.

Follow Tiffany and learn more about her practice here:

