TSS:Without A Curse

TSS:Without A Curse

Why is there an apparent gag order on the John Farrell & Jes

March 21, 2016

Inside this edition of Without a Curse, Alex talks about the apparent gag order in regards to the John Farell and Jess Moran affair. The latest example is a fawning Farrell profile from the Herald's Ron Borges, who didn't bring up the incident in the piece at all. If this were Bill Belichick instead of Farrell, don't you think Borges would've not just brought it up, but led with it?

Of course. But for whatever reason, Farrell and Moran seems to be off limits. It speaks to the disconnect between what people are talking about and what the print media actually writes about.

In the "Around the League" segment, Alex talks about why the Adam LaRoche saga could carry serious long-term ramifications for the White Sox––seriously–––and commends the Pittsburgh Pirates for continuing to be rational.

Follow Alex on Twitter, @AlexReimer1.
