TSS:Without A Curse

TSS:Without A Curse

ohn Farrell And Jess Moran Affair Is Messy For All Involved

March 07, 2016

The biggest Red Sox story of the week broke Friday night, when the Boston Globe reported Comcast SportsNet New England Red Sox reporter Jess Moran has resigned from her position due to her personal relationship with manager John Farrell. Once again, a female Red Sox reporter got inappropriately involved with a member of the organization.

Lots of questions have also been asked about the Globe's motivates for reporting the story, because John Henry owns the paper. Unfortunately, this is the reality the Globe faces now whenever it writes about a controversial issue surrounding the team.

In the "Around the League" segment, Alex praises commissioner Rob Manfred for his handling of the Aroldis Chapman suspension and supports Jacob deGrom's decision to not sign the Mets' lowball contract offer for the upcoming season.

Follow Alex on Twitter, @AlexReimer1.
