Real Talk LIVE

Real Talk LIVE


December 06, 2014

Real Talk Live 216 is asking you but more importantly AMERICA, Do we as a country and as AMERICANS SUPPORT BLACK-OWNED BUSINESS. Why do blacks have the greatest purchasing power but have the least amount of black owned business/support? Why do some Americans shop in their own communities placing profit and revenue back into their communiies while others do not? Why is their such a disparity between Black Owned Business compared to others?  We have often heard this saying IF IT AIN'T WHITE IT AIN'T RIGHT but what if there are more reason beyond race and color ask to the reasons why their is a lack of support fort black owned-business? 

Real Talk Live 216 wants to have this conversation rather sooner than later. We all should support and partake in the AMERICAN DREAM and we all need to come together so this disparity and stereotypes can be changed. IS STARTS AND ENDS WITH US? It's time we change this mindset and get the American people and blacks to start supporting black business more.  I know we can't change this way of thinking over night but we can change one or maybe some by having one conversation at a time. 

This show will talk about some of the issues but will finish off with the solutions (ways in which we  can support black business) It's time that black business like yours and others get the attention and spotlight in which they deserve. This is not a Black and White thing but a mindset that needs to change. It starts with us by opening up the dialogue and having the honest conversation.   
