Real Talk LIVE

Real Talk LIVE

Financial Literacy 101: The Do's & Don't When Making Major Purchases

September 27, 2014

When I first set out to start Real Talk Live 216 a scripture was spoken to me that I still can remember today and it's the same scripture that is the main premises and mission/vision of Real Talk Live 216. I do not want to get real spirtual but the bible says my people perish for LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. So you ask what is knowledge? Well Mr.Webster defines knowledge as information, understanding or skill that you get from experience or education. His best definition I like the most is awareness of something or the state of being aware. 

Many individuals are making big mistakes when making major purchases because of lack of knowledge or I would simply say not being aware or just the state of not being aware. Real Talk Live 216 wants to have the conversation that I always say needs to had much sooner than later. Why because people's credit card cost are climbling, credit scores is declining, health is deteriorating and some houses and cars are being foreclosed on and being repossess. If you out there listening LIVE or via podcast I want you to know one thing and that is HELP IS FINALLY HERE but are you willing to listen. We have Jon and also Deena Oliver from Successful Solution Credit Dispute Services LLC here this evening that will be answering your questions and giving you valuable information to help you on the road to recovery. Call in to speak with us and our guests at (646)929-0243. CLASS IS NOW IN SESSION!! 
