Real Talk LIVE

Real Talk LIVE


July 12, 2014

Email, Twitter, Instagram and Text. OMG, Sexting?  

Instead of asking for your business card, people ask if your business is on Facebook.  Instead of asking what you do for a living, people search for your resume, title and profile on LinkedIn.  Wait, I don't need to talk to you on the phone; I'll just skype you. 

Social media is dictating; even demanding that to communicate, reach or connect with people; we must be "plugged in."  But at what expense?

Everyone of us has a conversation that we need to have, should have or wish we had with someone or somebodies.  We have all got concerns, issues and resentments.  Why aren't we having THOSE conversations?

What is the fear; that we would rather "plug in" and share our "personal business" with people we've only met once or haven't seen in decades?  Or a person we've never met?"  

But we are unwilling to have a meaningful conversation with the people we share a home with?  Our bed? Really!!!  

Something's gotta change.  It's time!

It's time to "unplug" and "plug in" to one another.  It's time to have the uncomfortable conversation you didn't want to have; be it professional or personal, sexual or spiritual.

This is REAL TALK LIVE 216!  And we believe in keepin it, "REAL!"  So tonight, we say, "IT'S TIME TO HAVE THE CONVERSATION. Cuz the ISSUES ain't going away!
