Reality Check with Craig Price

Reality Check with Craig Price

Episode 228 – Ming Chen – Con Life

April 25, 2017

Ming Chen (@mingchen37 on twitter) returns to share his experiences at convention life with host Craig Price.

Once again Reality Check with Craig Price is a proud member of the Comicpalooza Podcast Partnership Program. To celebrate, Craig has been sitting on this episode since New Year's, when he and Ming Chen, from AMC's Comic Book Men, recorded a panel at Marvelous Nerd Year's Eve. With Ming returning to Comicpalooza again this year, May 12th through the 14th, Craig wanted to give a glimpse into what it is like going from con to con. Ming is everywhere and know everyone. So much so that Craig pitches a travel show, discusses why some of Ming's co-stars are no-shows and and how he was "discovered" by Kevin Smith when he made a fansite for Clerks.
