Ready Set Horror

Ready Set Horror

Latest Episodes

Fifty State Shorts: Hawaii
September 03, 2021

Samantha discusses the case o Nancy Baugh & Paul Featherman, later Sarah discusses 3 haunted Hawaii legends- Stay tuned after the episode for our VANISHED segment.

Fifty State Shorts: Georgia
May 27, 2021

Sarah discusses various urban legends of Georgia while Samantha covers the infamous Winecoff Hotel Fire.

Fifty State Shorts: Florida
May 09, 2021

Samantha discusses the tragic death of Lane Graves while Sarah discusses the mysterious disappearance of Amy Billig

Fifty State Shorts: Delaware
January 25, 2021

Sarah discusses local spooky legends of Delaware while Samantha briefly covers the Route 40 Killer. Stay tuned for our VANISHED segment at the end.

Fifty State Shorts: Connecticut
November 20, 2020

Samantha discusses the cursed town of Dudleytown Connecticut while Sarah discusses the well known Warrens along with other ghostly stories STAY tuned for our vanished segment at the end

Fifty State Shorts: Colorado
July 14, 2020

Sarah discusses the unsolved abduction of Christopher Abeyta in 1986 while Samantha talks about the Balloon Boy story in 2009. VANISHED: Suzanne Morphew

Fifty State Shorts: California
June 30, 2020

This week Samantha discusses the boy in the chimney from South Los Angeles while Sarah dives into the mysterious Yucca Man of the Twentynine Palms. Stay tuned for VANISHED at the end of each episode.

Fifty State Shorts: Arkansas
June 17, 2020

Samantha discusses the murder of Ella Barham of 1912 while Sarah discusses the mysterious death of 16 year old Janie Ward.

Fifty State Shorts: Arizona
June 03, 2020

Sarah discusses the missing persons case of 45-year-old David Batten and 28-year-old Elissa Landry. UPDATE Bodies have been found in IOWA. Samantha discusses the disappearance of Mikelle Biggs

Fifty State Shorts: Alaska
May 18, 2020

This weeks episode takes place in Alaska with the murder of Kathleen Jo Henry and second, the unexplained UFOs chasing an aircraft. Stay tuned for VANISHED at the end of the episode.
