The Kyle Heimann Show

The Kyle Heimann Show

Latest Episodes

Read The Cat 0496-0550
April 27, 2012

Elevator Pitch: God works intentionally. Mary was chosen by God and set aside to be different than everyone else. Christ's Kingdom is here and now, booyeah! The whole ball of yarn: We talk about three things in this episode: Mary and her attributes, the

Read The Cat 0441-0495
April 19, 2012

Join us with special guest, Nick Padley, as the bells from the elevator outside our hotel room ding (yes, now you will be distracted by the dings in the podcast). Elevator Pitch: Jesus is the Son of God and the son of Mary. True God and true man. Fully G

Read The Cat 0386-0420
April 12, 2012

Elevator Pitch:Original sin, sin, and Satan are real, thus the importance of Christ who redeems us. The Rundown: This week we are talking about Sin AKA “humanity’s rejection of God and opposition to him” p.386   Divine revelation sheds light on

Read The Cat 0331-0385
April 06, 2012

Special Good Friday Episode. We were purrrrchased fur a great price. Elevator Pitch: God created the heavens and the earth and it was good. Then he created man and it was very good. A blessed and solemn Good Friday to you all. Please take some time t

Read The Cat 0276-0330
March 30, 2012

God made everything out of nothing. Using some of that stuff, I made a podcast. Elevator Pitch/Takeaway: The Creed begins with the belief in God and then, quickly talks about Creation. "Creation is the foundation of 'all God's saving plans,' the 'begin

Read The Cat 0221-0275
March 23, 2012

I hate mice, yarn and the devil (I want to punch them all). Elevator Pitch/Takeaway: The backbone of our Faith, The Trinity, three persons in one God. It's a mystery so we can't really know what that means, right? The Church sure isn't going to give up

Read The Cat 0166-0220
March 16, 2012

Meow, meow, meow, meow, bacon. Elevator Pitch/Takeaway: We share a faith in God that is both personal and at the same time corporal as our faith is united with the rest of the Church. When we profess that faith we profess what we believe and what the Chu

Read The Cat 0111-0165
March 09, 2012

Paragraphs: 0111-0165 There are some delicious morsels of truth in these 55 paragraphs. I included a few of my favorite quotes. Elevator Pitch/Take away: Sacred Scripture was a product of Tradition through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and faith i

Read The Cat 0056-0110
March 02, 2012

Hey meow, it's time for new episode. Paragraphs: 0056-0110 Elevator Pitch/Take away: God has revealed Himself, not only so we can know that He exists, but so we can know Him intimately through His divine Son. He gave us the Sacred Scriptures, Sacred Tra

Read The Cat Paragraphs: 0001-0055
February 24, 2012

First Friday in Lent and First 55 chapters of the CCC. Paragraphs: 0001-0055 Elevator Pitch/Take away: The Catechism is a statement of what we believe as Catholics. God created us purely out of love and while he reveals himself to us in various ways, w