Reading Out Loud

Reading Out Loud

S3 ep 9: “Unless It’s About Me, Part 4: Construction” by Ryan P. Duke

June 15, 2016

Fate is a mind-blowing concept. At least it was when we were 16 years old and experimenting with drugs and/or poetry for the first time. Even after all these years, though, fate can still be fun to think about. Do we have free will? If we do, how much force can our piss-ant little existences really exert? Can we actually change our destinies? Or are we travelling along a fixed path laid out for us long ago by some jackass with diarrhea?

In part four of our five-part story, Kingston discovers he might have a closer tie to fate than he ever thought.



Ryan Duke is a founding member of the Pre-PostHumanists and Reading Out Loud. His short fiction has been published in a bunch of places you've never heard of. Like, in Canada. He's a contributor to the WBEZ podcast Pleasuretown and is an active member of the Chicago Storytelling Scene, performing at Write Club, Paper Machete, You're Being Ridiculous, and Seven Deadly Sins. Ryan lives in Chicago with his life partner, asthma.


Reading Out Loud on this episode:

Brandon Paul Eells
