The ChristCore Podcast

The ChristCore Podcast

Ep. 31: Micro-Vision: Captain America Civil War Is Great! & Anthony’s Political Afterthoughts

May 14, 2016

This weeks Micro-Vision is a little different. Mark's not here so it's just Anthony and I. We decided to cut the main podcast short and strictly focus on Television and Movies. However, if you are interested to hear a little bit about where Anthony's heart is in the current presidential election stay tuned for the afterthoughts that start around 48 minutes. Bryce says a few things, but let's be honest, this is more ANthony's Jam. Moving On...

What are the best shows on “TV” right now?

Anthony: The Americans, Game of Thrones, Silicon Valley(?), The Path

Bryce:  Better Call Saul, The Grinder, Silicon Valley, The Night Manager

What are your least favorite TV tropes?

Anthony: Monster/villain of the week (some exceptions, i.e. Fringe), intro montages (see The Flash, Supergirl, Arrow)
Jump Cut Conversations
No one saying goodbye on the phone

Bullet Points:

Jack O'Connell (Starred Up, Unbroken)  to lead Netflix’s new ‘Godless’
Cancelled: Castle after 8 season, Agent Carter after 2
Joel Kinnaman (The Killing, Robocop, Suicide Squad) to star in Netflix’s Sci-FI show ‘Altered Carbon’
NBC Orders DC Comics “Powerless” about an insurance adjuster for ‘regular people’ whose things are destroyed by the super powered.  Not every hero needs powers…
Drake to host and perform on tomorrow’s (or May 14ths) SNL

What shows have you been watching?

Bryce: Homeland, Silicon Valley, Game Of Thrones
Anthony: Game of Thrones, Silicon Valley, The Flash, The Path, The Americans


‘Captain America: Civil War’ spoilers discussion

Favorite scenes?
Any weaknesses?
What's next for the MCU?

Bullet Points:

Hugh Jackman’s ‘Wolverine’ now filming, R-rating confirmed
Space Jam Director's Throwing Shade at upcoming sequel
X-Men: Apocalypse releases to middling reviews, but I’m still interested
Steppenwolf, Darkseid’s uncle is villain of upcoming justice league movie if DC doesn’t scrap their entire universe...
‘Captain America: Civil War’ scores fifth highest domestic opening ever
Kevin Feige says Marvel is committed to Black Widow solo movie
Russell Crowe confirmed as legendary character is ‘The Mummy’ reboot
Tom Hardy rumored for a cameo in ‘Star Wars: Episode 8’
Warner Bros. sets new dates for ‘Godzilla 2’ and ‘Godzilla vs. Kong’
Trailers: Inferno, Ice Age: Collision Course, Assassin’s Creed, Swiss Army Man

New In Theaters: Money Monster (62%), Last Days In The Desert (76%)

In Theaters: Captain America: Civil War, The Jungle Book

What movies have you been watching?

Bryce: Captain America: Civil War, half of forrest gump
Anthony: Captain America: Civil War (again)

Welp.. That’s all we have for this week.  Be sure to check back next week to discuss whatever else happens in this crazy world we live in.  I’m Bryce cooley you can hit me up on Instagram and Twitter @christcorenet.  Mark where can they find you on Twitter @ and on Instagram @m_master_skweezy and you can find Anthony on Twitter and Instagram @thecrowing33.

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