Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Latest Episodes

Is Isn’t 2: Church is Church Isn’t
September 08, 2017

In life you must know what IS & what ISN’T We need to know what the Church IS Church ISN’T! Many people today do not like the Church, but what if what they are liking ISN’T actually the church. If people saw what the Church IS really meant to be,

Is Isn’t 1: Jesus Is, Jesus Isn’t
August 30, 2017

Jesus is. Jesus Isn’t. In life we need to know what IS and what ISN’T. This is especially true when it comes to areas of faith. There is so much to learn about what Jesus is, but there is an amazing amount to learn about what He isn’t.

The Lame Games we Play 5: The Fame Game – The Pride of Uzziah
August 24, 2017

A successful king played the Fame Game, and the pride of Uzziah led to his downfall. There are some Lame Games we should no longer play in life. One of those games in the Fame Game! The Fame Game is a game where you define your value by having gained t...

The Lame Games we Play 4: Same Game – Redemption Church Plano Tx
August 15, 2017

The same game is a tricky game that takes your eyes off the screen and onto the player beside you. The Nation of Israel was too busy playing the Same Game to realize they were uniquely gifted by God. They had God as their King and were given promises t...

The Lame Games we Play 3: Name Game
August 12, 2017

The Name Game is a frustrating game where you have allowed someone to define you with the wrong name. Names Matter. Names Define. Beware the namer who would name you from their frustration or lack of focus.

The Lame Games We Play 2: The Blame Game – Pastor Chris Fluitt
August 05, 2017

The Blame Game is a follow up to The Shame Game. …And it is no fun! When shame comes at us because of the wrong we have done, we will be tempted to play a new game. The Blame Game is played by redirecting the shame through blame.

The Lame Games We Play 1: Shame Game – Redemption Church Plano Tx
July 28, 2017

The Shame Game is a game you cannot win. Shame is something that mankind was not created to feel, yet when Adam & Eve listened to the a serpent they discovered this awful truth. We are often victims of packaging.

God of Fun 5: Is Jesus a Fun Guy? – Redemption Church Plano Tx
July 11, 2017

Did Jesus laugh? Is Jesus a fun guy? We know Jesus wept, but what would have made him laugh? Jesus has a sense of humor. Jesus told jokes, some are recorded in Scripture. We worship a God of fun who wants to laugh with us.

God of Fun 4: The Real Deal Lucille
July 07, 2017

Have you ever experienced something that just wasn’t the real thing? It may have been a copy, a knock off, or a counterfeit. It was not legitimate. It was at best a cheap substitute. Have you ever experienced the Real Deal Lucille?

God of Fun 3: Punch Line – Redemption Church Plano, Tx
June 27, 2017

God’s Promise is not a Punch Line. Every good joke has a good punch line. A Punch Line brings unknown & unexpected information that surprises us and causes us to laugh. Sarah, the wife of Abraham once heard God make a promise that was completed unknown...
