Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Is Isn’t 1: Jesus Is, Jesus Isn’t

August 30, 2017

Jesus is. Jesus Isn’t.
In life we need to know what IS and what ISN’T. This is especially true when it comes to areas of faith.
There is so much to learn about what Jesus is, but there is an amazing amount to learn about what He isn’t.
In the end we must decide if Jesus IS accepted by you.

Is Isn’t 1: Jesus Is, Jesus Isn’t from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Is Isn’t 1 – Jesus
Sermon notes by Pastor Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
**Bumper Video – Is Isn’t
Life requires you to know what IS and what ISN’T.

Many people have taken advantage of others… telling and selling them something that IS but it really ISN’T.  Peddlers selling Snake oil and other tonics, saying, it IS a miraculous cure all, but it isn’t…
People have justified their actions by saying it ISN’T so bad.   Rather than deal with our own issues we sometimes compare ourselves to others…  We say, yeah we have a problem and need to do better, but at least it ISN’T as bad as their problem. It is easier for us to point out what ISN’T rather than face what IS.
It’s important to Recognize when it IS and ISN’T safe… 2 Snakes that look very similar… The non-venemous King snake and the venomous Coral Snake.  They have the same coloring but a slightly different pattern.
“Red & Yellow kill a fellow…  Red and black friend of Jack…”  That rhyme helps us know what IS and what ISN’T deadly.
We are told so much unreliable information every day that we must sort through what IS and ISN’T.
If you have questions we want you to direct them to our anonymous text line. 214 856 0550  All questions are anonymous and answered by your faithful Redemption Church staff.

Life requires you to know what IS and what ISN’T.
Jesus Is Jesus Isn’t
Over the next weeks we will be talking about important things in life and faith and try to help us decide what Is and Isn’t.  Today we will take a look at what Jesus is and what Jesus isn’t.
Jesus is influential, powerful, miraculous
I would think everyone would agree that Jesus is influential.  He fed 5000 people… because he had 5000 people following him and listening to His teaching.  Everyone in his day had an opinion on Jesus… They either loved Him or hated Him…  The same is true today.  Everyone has an opinion on Jesus. His influence has not waned in 2000 years.
We have even historically marked out our Time by using Jesus.  BC means before Christ and AD means in the year of our Lord…  Jesus is influential.
Jesus is Powerful & Miraculous.  If you believe the historical account of the Bible you have to agree that He is powerful & and miraculous.
Jesus spoke with authority and power.  He amazed the crowds.
Matthew 7:28 When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching,(NIV)
Matthew 7:29 because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law.(NIV)
The 4 Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, record 37 Miracles Jesus did for people.  But Jesus did so many more miracles than this…
John 21:25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.(NIV)
Jesus is still doing miracles.  He has never stopped doing miracles…  There are people in this very room who could tell you that Jesus IS powerful and miraculous.
Jesus is influential, powerful, miraculous
