Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

The Lame Games we Play 3: Name Game

August 12, 2017

The Name Game is a frustrating game where you have allowed someone to define you with the wrong name.
Names Matter. Names Define. Beware the namer who would name you from their frustration or lack of focus.
Once someone is named it is difficult to change. Names matter. Names define.
As Rachel was breathing her last she named her son Ben-Oni, which means “son of my sorrow.” The Baby was labeled but THE FATHER showed up and called the baby by a new name.
Our Heavenly Father is able to give us a new name.

The Lame Games we Play 3: The Name Game – Pastor Chris Fluitt Redemption Church from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Lame Games we Play 3 – Name Game
Sermon notes by Pastor Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
Hello Redemption Church! Hello online attendees. God bless you.
I am so thankful for an exciting, passionate, and caring church in Plano, Tx. Our savior is exactly what Plano needs. Your testimony of how Jesus has rescued you is exactly what the Dallas Metroplex needs!
My name is Chris Fluitt. My parents named me Christopher and always intended me to be called Christopher, but I am cool with you calling me Chris. I am so happy to preach to you today.
We are in the 3rd week of our series – The Lame Games We Play.
Lame Games we Play
Life is filled with games that we should no longer play. We need to put the controller down and walk away when it comes to THE SHAME GAME & THE BLAME GAME.
Those are the 2 games we mentioned in the first 2 weeks of this series. If you missed them, you can catch up with those sermons on our website –
Today I want to talk to you about the name game.
The Name Game
I am not talking about the 1964 American Pop song by Shirley Ellis…
Katie, Katie, bo-batie, Banana-fana fo-fatie, Fee-fy-mo-matie Katie!
No I am not talking about that…
Today I am going to talk about something that can turn a great game into a frustrating experience.
Dragon Warrior
An early evolution in gaming was the role playing game. The first thing you would do in these games is to name the character. Dragon Warrior was one of the first games to do this. It is done often in video games. You take your made character on a quest where they grow in strength and ability.
These games are great. They are very engrossing, but there is a mistake you can make that can be irksome and frustrating.
The first thing you do is enter your name for your character, which should be a simple task.. but not for a distracted 8 year old.
I remember once naming a character wrong. I must not have been paying attention. Instead of C-H-R-I-S-… C-H-I-R-S.

For the rest of the game I was Chirs. I couldn’t change it. Once you are named, you are always named.
So if your name is wrong, it is just too bad.  You will walk into a village and speak to the villagers and they will say “Oh brave CHIRS, please save us from the dark lord.”  If you beat the game the king would say “well done Sir CHIRS.”
On Dragon Warrior every time you fought it would say “Chirs attacks dealing 7 damage points to the slime creature.”
What was a great game became kind of lame when you didn’t get your name right.
Perhaps even worse than this is what could happen on an arcade game and got a high score.
High Score

Young people, you know about high score right? You might not. You played games like pac-man, galaga, frogger, and donkey kong to get the high score. They had a list of the high scores saved on the machine and you tried to make that list so that you could write your initials by your score.
For some reason,
