Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

The Lame Games We Play 2: The Blame Game – Pastor Chris Fluitt

August 05, 2017

The Blame Game is a follow up to The Shame Game.
…And it is no fun!
When shame comes at us because of the wrong we have done, we will be tempted to play a new game. The Blame Game is played by redirecting the shame through blame. We never really own the shame, we deflect the shame towards something or someone else.
The Blame Game is like a spiritual game of PONG. The pixelated ball of shame comes toward us, only to meet our PONG paddle and bounce away.
Blame never takes responsibility. And this is a HUGE problem. It was a problem in the Garden of Eden when God spoke with Adam & Eve. Rather than confessing and seeking forgiveness they deflected the shame through blame. Adam blamed Eve & God. Eve blamed the snake. Neither Adam or Eve took responsibility.
There is no way to be forgiven and play the blame game. In order to be forgiven you must admit that you have sinned and need forgiveness. Are we ready to put our PONG paddle down and stop playing the Blame Game?

The Lame Games We Play 2: The Blame Game – Pastor Chris Fluitt from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Lame Games we Play 2 – The Blame Game
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
Welcome to Redemption Church in Plano Tx. It is so great to worship together. Thank you for being with us today. Our staff of volunteers does a lot to transform this school into a church so that you will feel right at home as we do the 3 things. The 3 things are that we worship together, we receive God’s word together, and we talk to God in prayer together. I am thankful for our volunteers. Let’s give them a hand.
Greetings to everyone watching this online. We appreciate you as well. Please help us spread this message to as many people as possible. Share, like, comment.
My name is Chris Fluitt and I am excited about the 2nd week of our series – The Lame Games We Play.
Lame Games we Play Title
Life is filled with games that we should no longer play. Last week I told you how I was a victim of packaging.
Victim of Packaging
I purchased a terrible product based on its great packaging. I showed you the video game last week. It was Athena for the Nintendo Entertainment System. I have had the terrible music stuck in my head ever since. Pray church pray. I need to get that 8bit sound track out of my head.
Sin is a terrible product with great packaging
I want to remind you that sin is a terrible product with great packaging. You will always regret being fooled by the packaging of sin.
Adam & Eve fell victim to the serpent’s sales pitch in the garden. They regretted it. They experienced sin and it brought them shame.
Shame is the realization of what you have done and what you have become.
Adam & Eve tried to manage their shame. We try to do the same. We try to make our shame manageable. We try to hide it. We try to control who sees it. We try to not let shame effect us.
This is what we referred to as the Shame Game.
Shame Game
The shame game is a game you cannot win.
If you are tempted to enter into the shame game, chances are good that you have played their follow up classic.
Blame Game
The Blame Game is played like this. We receive the shame and redirect it through blame. We never really own the shame, we deflect the shame towards something or someone else.
The Blame Game reminds me of a very old video game.  This is actually one of the oldest arcade games ever.
Kids I am not talking about the 1st Call of Duty or the Halo game that came out a few years ago. I am talking about a game that had zero color and only featured white pixel dots on a screen. The only controls of this game were wheels that could move a white bar in one of two directions. You could move it up and down.
Anyone know what I am talking about?
Pong Video
