Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

The Lame Games We Play 1: Shame Game – Redemption Church Plano Tx

July 28, 2017

The Shame Game is a game you cannot win.
Shame is something that mankind was not created to feel, yet when Adam & Eve listened to the a serpent they discovered this awful truth.
We are often victims of packaging. It happens when we are enticed by the outer packaging, only to find the product inside does not live up to the picture. Sin is a terrible product with great packaging. You will regret ever opening this package.
Shame was on the inside of the serpents package. Shame caused Adam & Eve to hide themselves. They sewed fig leaves together to hide their shame, but this was a flawed approach. We can never hide our shame from God, or from ourselves.
There is a counter intuitive cure for shame. Rather than hide, the Bible instructs us to confess. If we will confess our sin, God is faithful to forgive us.
Are you ready to put the shame game down forever?

The Lame Games We Play 1: Shame Game – Redemption Church Plano Tx from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
 Lame Games we Play 1 – The Shame Game
Sermon notes by Pastor Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
Welcome everyone to Redemption Church in Plano Tx. I want to welcome everyone who gathered top worship with us today. I also want to welcome all of our online attendees. Hello Facebook Live Stream. Hello Podcasters, Youtubers, Vimeo people. Wherever you are accessing this message I greet you.
If this message blesses you PLEASE consider sharing it, liking it, and commenting. It helps us reach even more people. And that is a good thing!
My name is Chris Fluitt and I am so blessed to be lead pastor here at Redemption.
Lame Games we Play
Did you enjoy that Intro video? There is still a place in my heart that loves the old video games I used to play. That video was created by Rob Beschizza of Bing Bong videos on Youtube. Did anyone recognize the song?  It was Mad World by Tears for Fears. Haunting tune right?
Are there any video game fans in the room? I grew up on video games. I remember opening up a Nintendo for Christmas in the late 80s. (I know that I am ancient old. Please don’t laugh at me young people.)
I remember playing classic games like Super Mario Bros, Metroid, & Legend of Zelda. I played countless hours until I beat the game. Then I would replay the game to really master the game. (Ask me about the time I made it all the way to Gannon without a sword. #NerdHallOfFame) It seemed like every game I played was just its own version of awesome.
I was not aware that there could be such a thing as a bad game. That all changed one day when I saw this game…
Athena for the Nintendo Entertainment System. 1987 SNK Electronics Corp. This is what the box looked like. I was 7 years old and saw this box and thought this looks awesome. This is probably the best game ever. It has medusa and some mythological princess with a sword.
But this is what I experienced when I got past the packaging.
Athena Game Play
There is such a thing as a Lame Game.
Lame Games we Play
This game was not worth the money. This game was not worth the time spent playing it.  Even beating the game was an absolute waste.  Completely LAME GAME!
If I could go back in time I would run up to 7 year old me and slap this game out of his hand the moment he picked it up. I would say “follow me if you want to live.” And I would march him over to the Mega Man game.
I was a victim of packaging.
Victim of Packaging
A lot of terrible things have great packaging. You may have bought a few things that looked great in the packaging, but were useless outside of the packaging. Don’t make big important decisions based on the packaging.
Can your pastor preach for a moment?

* Don’t fall for the packaging you see in the late night hours at the club.
* Young ladies don’t you fall for the clever pickup lines.
