Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

God of Fun 4: The Real Deal Lucille

July 07, 2017

Have you ever experienced something that just wasn’t the real thing? It may have been a copy, a knock off, or a counterfeit. It was not legitimate. It was at best a cheap substitute.
Have you ever experienced the Real Deal Lucille?
God offers a genuine fun. The world offers a counterfeit fun.  We need to understand the difference between God’s fun and the world’s fun.
Once you experience the Real Deal Lucille, you will never settle for anything less.

God of Fun 4: The Real Deal Lucille from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
God of Fun 4 – The Real Deal Lucille
Sermon notes by Pastor Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church plano Tx
God of Fun

Welcome back to the 4th week of the GOD OF FUN series.
In week 1 we told you that God created fun.
Week 2 we told you that we need rethink God’s commands. God is not a buzzkill. God actually commands us to have fun.
Last week we told you that God’s promises are not punch lines. You are not a punch line. But that no good devil who has been lying to you – he is the punch line.
Today I want to talk to you about…
The Real Deal Lucille
I remember once I took Sarah to a well-known all you can eat buffet here in the Dallas metroplex. I won’t name the place… As we were finishing up our dinner I took a look over the dessert section. There were several pies and cakes and I was going to pick one for Sarah. I saw a key lime pie and I remembered that Sarah said that was her favorite kind of pie. So I brought the key lime pie to Sara and thought she was going to love it.
Sarah took one bite of that pie, she grabbed her mouth and I heard her say “ohh… that’s not good.”
I took a bite of the pie and it tasted like cleaning chemicals and had the texture of Jello. We decided that that was not real Key Lime Pie.  That was not the Real Deal Lucille.
Have you ever experienced something that just wasn’t the real thing? It may have been a copy, a knock off, or a counterfeit. It was not legitimate. It was at best a cheap substitute.
I want to make sure that you have experienced Real Deal Lucille key lime pie. This pie was made by our good friend Pamela Kinney. She is a pastry chef for the Omni Hotel in Dallas. Eat up and enjoy the real deal.
We are talking about fun in this series. So I want to clear up what I mean by fun. I think this is important. We serve a God of Fun… but we need to make sure we understand what His fun is.
Real Fun
God’s fun is the real deal. God’s fun doesn’t leave an after taste. God’s fun is not nasty key lime pie.
The Fun that God offers…

* is not lewd.
* does not hurt others.
* doesn’t break the law.
* is not followed by guilt and shame.
* Does not leave you worse off after the fun is done.

Beware of counterfeit key lime pie
Beware of counterfeit fun

When you google God of Fun it will bring up this guy named Dionysus/Bacchus. He is the Roman/Greek god of fun, pleasure, & wine. The ancient world looked to this false god for fun. The world still looks to false gods for fun.
The world offers its own version of fun, but it is not the real deal.
Hebrews 11:24 (NIV2011) By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. 
Hebrews 11:25 (NIV2011) He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. 
Notice that Moses chose God’s way over the “fleeting pleasures of sin.”
Sin does have pleasure… but they are fleeting temporary pleasures.
