Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

God of Fun 2: Heavy Commands, Light Commands

June 23, 2017

Does God give us Heavy Commands or Light Commands?
We don’t equate God and His Word/Commands/Rules to FUN.
When we think of God’s commands we think of scriptures like..
Genesis 2:17 (NIV2011) but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” 
That doesn’t exactly sound fun.. But maybe it is time we rethink God’s commands.

* God actually COMMANDS us to have fun.
* The Bible describes God’s commands as EASY & LIGHT.
* God’s Spirit is FUN!

God of Fun 2 – Heavy Commands, Light Commands
Sermon notes by Pastor Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
Happy Father’s Day
God of Fun
Welcome back to the 2nd week of the GOD OF FUN series.
In week 1 we told you that God created fun. The Creator God took a world that was empty, formless, and dark and created a bright vivid world that was full of awe and wonder.
This Creator God then created US – Mankind. God gave us senses to experience this amazing world. We talked about brains and how strange and amazing our brains are. The creator God created us to create and to be creative.
If you are not experiencing fun, happiness, and joy you might be doing something wrong.  You might have a wrong perception.
Your perception is your reality
If you never had cheesecake before, but you heard that it was gross, this would give you the perception that cheesecake was gross. Then when you were offered the opportunity to experience a slice of New York Style Cheesecake for the first time, you may turn it down because your perception then becomes your reality.
Wouldn’t it be sad to let a false perception be your reality?
Wouldn’t it be sad to live in a false reality where cheesecake is gross?  Because I love cheesecake so much I would try to save you from such a terrible perception.
I want to save someone from false perceptions. Let’s have some New York Style Cheesecake from our neighbors across the street at “Mama Jenny’s” restaurant.
If you have the perception that cheesecake is gross, I would like to change that today. If I can change your perception, I can change your reality.
As Christians we may have some false perceptions… We mentioned this last week.
An unhappy Christian is living within a false reality, that stems from a false perception.
What is our perception of God’s word?  What is our perception of God’s commandments?
What do you think? Would you say God’s commands are Heavy or Light?
I think if we are honest, we usually think that God’s commands are heavy. You may think that God’s rules are hard and difficult to bear.  God’s commands aren’t on your list of fun things.
When we think of the Word of God, do we tend to think of “YOU MUST DO THIS OR SURELY YOU WILL DIE” type scripture? Now there are some scriptures that warn us of certain death.. but do we have the perception that that is ALL that the Bible contains?
Is it possible that God’s commands could be enjoyable? Is it possible that God’s Word could actually bring joy, happiness, and laughter?
Do you have this picture of a God who created a wonderful exciting and fun world, but created a bunch of rules so that we could never enjoy it?
If you are anywhere in this ballpark, boy did you come to the right sermon.
We need to rethink God’s commands…

Chronologically speaking, what is God’s first command in scripture? What comes to your mind first?
Did you perhaps think of this verse?
Genesis 2:17 (NIV2011) but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” 
