Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

God of Fun 1: First off (Creation)

June 20, 2017

We attribute a lot of things to God. Righteous, holy, mercy, grace, love… on and on. But do we ever attribute FUN to God?
We declare that God is a God of Fun. To prove this we look to creation. God created fun, and he created us to experience fun.
Our perception is our reality. If we perceive that God doesn’t intend us to have fun, then that will be our reality. Let’s change our perception and thereby change our reality.
Do you believe in a God of Fun?

God of Fun 1: First off (Creation) from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
God of Fun 1 – First Off (creation)
Welcome to the 1st week in our new series, God of Fun. This is an important series. We have an important message for you.  The God of the Bible is the God of Fun.
We attribute a lot of things to God, but usually not fun.
God is righteous, true, just, creator, light, love, peace, victory, healing, forgiving, merciful, full of grace… This list can go on and on. You have heard sermon after sermon about these truths about God, but rarely has the church declared that our God is the God of Fun.
In this series we are going to declare the God of fun. We are going to declare the God of happiness, blessing, and joy. We are going to declare that God’s people should be happy people who are filled with laughter.
This is an important and often overlooked truth. I want you to make plans to be here for this series.
There have been many sermons preached in churches that used this phrase…
“God wants you to be Holy, not happy.”
And while it is absolutely true that God wants and even requires holiness, this teaching implies that God does not desire you to be happy. This teaching implies that you can’t be happy & holy. It implies that happiness may be sin.
I had a pastor’s wife named Shirley Stover. She used to say in jest, “If it tastes good I can’t eat it.” She was on a diet and that diet and it seemed to her that if it tasted good, it was probably fried or coated in sugar… so she can’t have it.
Was this true? Are all the tasty foods unhealthy? Do all healthy foods taste terrible? Of course this isn’t true, but your perception can become your reality.
Your perception is your reality

If you never had a pizza before, but you heard that it was gross it would give you the perception that Pizza was gross. Then when you were offered the opportunity to experience a slice of Pizza for the first time, you may turn it down because your perception then becomes your reality.
Wouldn’t it be sad to let a false perception be your reality?
Wouldn’t it be sad to live in a false reality where pizza is gross?  Because I love Pizza so much I would try to save you from such a terrible perception.
In fact, Marshal, isn’t there a new Pizza restaurant across the street?  Is it called Marco’s Pizza?  Could you call them?  I think I want to order some Pizza.  Would anyone care for a slice of pizza?
If you have the perception that Pizza is gross, I would like to change that today. If I can change your perception, I can change your reality.
Christians need to change our perception about some things. Redemption Church there may be some false perceptions in our minds and hearts.
If it’s fun I can’t do it.
Being wealthy/successful in business is a sin for a Christian.
If you are struggling it means God is mad at you.
Christians should only listen to choirs singing from hymnals.
If it feels good DON’T do it!
There are more things we can’t do than things we can do.
Look out for false perceptions. They become your reality.
An unhappy Christian is living within a false reality, that stems from a false perception.
