Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Bless this Home 1 – Hungry Home – Redemption Church Plano Tx

May 15, 2017

Do you want a blessed home?
Jesus said BLESSED are those who Hunger & Thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.
Jesus promises blessing to those who hunger for the RIGHT THINGS of God. Do you know what the right things of God are? It can be tricky, because there are some things like legalism & lukewarm-ness that appear to be “right” but are actually wrong.
Are you ready to hunger and thirst after Righteousness? Are your ready for a Blessed Home?
Bless This Home 1 – Hungry Home
Sermon notes by Pastor Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
Bumper VIDEO1:  “I’m sick and tired of living in this small house.  You need to make more money so we can get a decent place to live.”
“I’ll sneak out and meet you around midnight.  My parents are clueless; they’ll never know.”
“As long as you live under this roof, you’ll do what I say.”
“I don’t care what you say; you can’t stop me from going to the party.”
“I saw you checking her out.”
“I was just looking at the brand of her jeans; I thought they might look good on you.”
“All right.  Who’s going to pray this time?”
“Me. Dear Jesus, thank you for all the ways you’ve blessed our family.”
Bless this Home
How many want a blessed home? Raise your hands if you want a blessed home.
If you will go to google and type in the words “bless this home” and then click “shopping” you will find over 400 items available for purchase. You can find vinyl letters for your walls, stitched fabric decorations or blankets, pictures, shirts, coffee mugs, key hangers and mail sorters, and my personal favorite… door mats.
Nothing says bless this home like rubbing muddy shoes on a door mat that says “bless this home.”
When it comes to the subject of blessing our homes it is an easy sale. I think I could talk everyone into receiving a blessing on their home. I think it is safe to say that no one came to church today or looked up our facebook live stream or youtube sermon video thinking “I hope they tell me how to curse my home. That is some information I could really use.”
No! Of course not. You want your home to be blessed. It is an easy sale.
Would you describe your home as blessed?
We want a blessed home, but is that how we would describe our home?
Would we be more likely to describe our homes as..

* Stressed (worried, busy, overwhelmed by problems, difficulty)
* Struggling (marriage, children, health)
* Strapped (not enough money, time or energy)

Is your home blessed? If you want a blessed home, you need to listen today, and make plans to be here for the next 3 weeks.
Jesus gives us surprising ways to be blessed in Matthew 5. If you have been around churches you may have heard of the beatitudes.
Beatitudes Matthew 5
The beatitudes is a portion of Jesus’sermon on the mount where he gave us a list of blessings. Does a list of blessings from Jesus sound important to you? You are going to want to be here for the rest of this series to grab a hold of the blessing of God for your home.
Matthew 5:6 (NIV2011) Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. 
Jesus says the key to blessing for your home is what you hunger & thirst for.
Hungry Home
This is the exact opposite of how we think in the year 2017. We think blessing comes from being filled. We are blessed when the bank account is FULL. Blessing occurs when our closets are filled with new clothes. When we filled with the latest and greatest material possessions,
