Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Vantage Point 1 – The Easter Resurrection – Better Position Better View

April 18, 2017

What if you could view the easter resurrection?
Vantage Point – a place or position affording a good view of something.

We always need a better viewpoint in life. ..A better understanding of our future and our purpose. ..A better vision of what is true and what isn’t. ..A clearer sight on happiness. We could always use a better viewpoint in life.
To get a better view, we need a better position. Could we position ourselves today to see the easter resurrection?
Let’s take a look from the position of the pharisees, the soldiers, Mary Magdalene, Peter & John, Thomas, Jesus, and you.
What do you see?

Vantage Point 1 – The Easter Resurrection – Redemption Church Plano Tx from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Vantage Point 2 – Easter Resurrection
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Texas
Thank you for being here to celebrate the easter resurrection of Jesus Christ. My name is Chris Fluitt and I welcome you to Redemption Church. Hello to all our online watchers and listeners. Youtube, podcast, facebook live and other social medias hello. Greetings from Plano Tx.
We always need a better viewpoint in life. I hope you agree. ..A better understanding of our future and our purpose. ..A better vision of what is true and what isn’t. ..A clearer sight on happiness. We could always use a better viewpoint in life.
Vantage Point – a place or position affording a good view of something.
To get a better view, we need a better position. Could we position ourselves today to see the easter resurrection?
Whatever situation you are facing today, we believe that it can be answered with a better vantage point of the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Our story today starts in Matthew 27:62-66. I want us to pay extra attention to the vantage point of the Pharisees. What was their position and viewpoint?
Matthew 27:62 (NIV2011) The next day, the one after Preparation Day, the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate. 
Matthew 27:63 (NIV2011) “Sir,” they said, “we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said, ‘After three days I will rise again.’ 
Matthew 27:64 (NIV2011) So give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal the body and tell the people that he has been raised from the dead. This last deception will be worse than the first.” 
Matthew 27:65 (NIV2011) “Take a guard,” Pilate answered. “Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how.” 
What did we learn about the Pharisees?

* They remembered what Jesus said. Jesus’ own disciples had forgotten that he said he would rise again, but these Pharisees remembered.
* They believed something was going to happen. If they learned anything about Jesus, they learned that when Jesus says he is going to do something you better open up your eyes – because something always happens when Jesus is involved.
* They didn’t necessarily believe that Jesus was going to raise himself from the dead. Scripture states that they thought that His followers would steal the body and tell people that Jesus rose from the dead. The Pharisees thought it would be a deception.
* The most important point is – They did everything they could to stop the easter resurrection.

Which brings us to our next vantage point.
The soldiers
The soldiers tasked by Rome to guard the body of Jesus. What was their vantage point?
Matthew 28:2 (NIV2011) There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 
Matthew 28:3 (NIV2011) His appearance was like lightning,
