Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Champion 6 – Killer Instinct

April 09, 2017

We need a ruthless determination to win. In the sports world they refer to this as a “Killer Instinct.”
David had a Killer Instinct. He had a focus that would not be denied. As we look into the story of His battle with Goliath we see that David…

David defeated distractions

David went with what works

David wanted more than applause

David ended it

The wins kept piling up

Do you have a killer instinct like David? Will you go onto the battlefield and face your giant today?

Champion 6 – Killer Instinct from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Champion 6 – Killer Instinct
sermon notes by pastor Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
Welcome Champions! We welcome everyone that is listening or watching through our podcast, youtube or some other website. We also want to welcome everyone tuning into the FACEBOOK LIVE STREAM. Greetings from Redemption Church in Plano Tx. My name is Chris Fluitt. I am blessed to serve as Lead Pastor.
We are the 4th week of our Champion Series. We have been looking at the epic story of David & Goliath.

* Week 1- Promise trumps Pedigree.
* Week 2- Servants are Champions.
* Week 3 – You need to see More than a Problem.
* Week 4 – The Full Court Press
* Week 5 – Poor Giant – You didn’t stand a chance

Today I want to preach to you, about the Killer Instinct
Sports Psychology has been an up & coming field over the last few decades. Professional sports psychologists make the upwards of one hundred thousand dollars a year. At heart of the subject of sports psychology is the question of – why do some athletes succeed and some fail? What is it that causes athletes of comparable talent, training, & coaching to win or to wane in times of high pressure.
This is an important subject for us non-professional athletes as well. Why is it that in certain moments of struggle we give up? What is it inside us, that causes us to fall apart when we are so close to victory? Or why do we do well in pressure moments when others tend to wilt? What is it that keeps us laser focused when it would be so easy to become distracted?
It is more than physical dexterity, strength, intelligence, and speed. Sports Psychology knows that it is something on the inside, and one thing they have defined is that some have and some lack a Killer Instinct.
A Killer Instinct is defined as a ruthless determination to win or succeed.
Some people have a killer instinct and some people don’t.
In the sports world this is easy to spot.
Some teams play better when they are behind in the score. The pressure is off, but when they come close to tying the game or going ahead they fall apart. They lack the Killer Instinct to truly take control of their victory. Some people seem to be afraid of success and sabotage themselves when they are so close to securing victory.
Some players dread having the ball in the closing minutes of the game. Some players insist on having the ball in the closing minutes. You need a Killer Instinct and a belief that you have what it takes to win. You should want the opportunity and not run from the moment.
Do you have a Killer Instinct? I want you to spend some time asking God to give you that ruthless determination to win. Lord give me boldness to stand up against pressure and to succeed.
David had a Killer Instinct.  Every other Israelite was reluctant to step onto the battlefield against the Giant, Goliath, but David insisted that he have the opportunity.
1 Samuel 17:48 (NIV2011) As the Philistine moved closer to attack him,
