RAW Barbell Club : Training Strength & Other Things

RAW Barbell Club : Training Strength & Other Things

Latest Episodes

Starting A School Strength Program with Kurt Rich - Episode 60 - RAW Barbell Club : Olympic Weightlifting & Strength Training For Everyone
January 24, 2019

In this Podcast Kurt Rich from Sydney Boy’s High School joins us once...

Teaching The Split Jerk with Yannick Mifsud, Vu Tran & Phillip Liao - Episode 58 - RAW Barbell Club : Olympic Weightlifting & Strength Training For Everyone
December 07, 2018

In this Inaugural Coaches Collective episode Yannick (Shred Fitness), Vu (Snatch Sensei) and...

Phil Liao on Authenticity - Mini Episode 1 - RAW Barbell Club : Olympic Weightlifting & Strength Training For Everyone
December 06, 2018

Commonwealth Games Athlete Phil discusses the need and want for authenticity in peoples...
