

Stranger Things w/ Marianne Reilly

December 14, 2016

The following program is Rated 80s and may not be suitable for everyone. It will include cyborgs, robocops, aliens, predators and...Madea?
Listener discretion is advised...

This Week's Special Guest: Marrianne Reilly

Our episode this episode is 2016 Netflix joint Stranger Things, which is set in the early 80s, and is amazing, and everyone needs desperate to see and enjoy.
Have no fear though, if you have yet to watch Stranger Things this episode is 100% spoiler free on that topic.

Why is it spoiler free you may ask? Well because we have a guest with us on this episode who's never seen it, friend of the show Marieanne Reilly.

Marianne was even kind enough to stick around for extra innings this episode, so we could all get in some good recommendations.

Online dating advice

Things kick of well this week, with a short conversation about sexist remote control etiquette and a bit of male bonding between Marieanne and Rusty about establishing dominance over living room furniture as a method of intimidating their young.

Our patented asides are in full force, even in this fairly free form episode, as we run head long into the ever changing world of internet dating.
Apparently sex addicts prefer two specific services, and if you listen you'll get to know what those services are. What other podcast about film happens to drop in such delicious random nuggets of information?

Zombies & Stuff

After a brief foray into ongoing debate of what constitutes a thriller vs a horror production we begin our discussion of Stranger Things...

Right after another quick detour into the disturbing world zombie fandom, and Jeremy suggests everyone see the 2008 Canadian production Pontypool, which has a truly fresh take on the zombie genre.

A Rivalry is Born!
By the way, mid episode the decision was made by Jeremy to start a friendly show vs show rivalry with another member of the NWCZ saturday lineup, Saturday Morning Funnies with Puddin & the Shanster, and so we have a go at them for a bit, but twas all in good fun!

Ok, we may have crossed the line once or twice, but our heart was in the right place! (Actually, strike the second part of that sentence.)

Be sure to checkout their Facebook page and send them some hate mail. Seriously, they are into that. We also have no idea why their promotional banner is staged in a restroom.
The commercials for this episode aren't actual commercials. We've gotten to feeling a little nostalgic about our own production, and so we've added in clips from a beloved previous episode, 
