The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

1/10/16 - Featuring Jim Barry (Consumer Technology Association)

January 10, 2016

For Techies Throughout the U.S., The Future Is NOW!: An Inside Look At the Consumer Electronics Show, and What the Neat New Gadgetry Actually Means For the Companies That Release It

Compact Disc Technology.

Digital Audio


DVD Technology

Microsoft Xbox

Blu-Ray Technology

Over the past three decades, these and other technologies have become second nature in the lives of millions of consumers in the United States, and billions more throughout the world.

And these and other technologies were launched at the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES), an event that has become just as much of an annual staple in Las Vegas as music shows, comedy acts, and the latest pay-per-view prizefight.

For years, this event, the lynchpin of the busy calendar of its parent organization, the Consumer Technology Association, has been hailed as the "Super Bowl of Technology", and not just because of its proximity to the NFL's Big Game on the calendar. "Techies" and non-techies alike look to the CES as the place to be to see not only the technological advancements that some of the largest companies in the world have produced for consumer use today, but for a sneak peek at some of the technologies that may be one or two years away, if not longer, from ever seeing the light of day.

As you read this, the CES is in full swing in Las Vegas, having started on Wednesday, and running strong through Saturday. Once again, it has proven its reputation as the place to be be for innovation and inspiration. It has also been the place for industry analysts to keep score to see which companies are emerging as leaders in the tech sector, and which ones have fallen behind to the point where they are in desperate need of a comeback. The pageantry and the gadgetry may be nice for the casual observer who likes to watch the whole spectacle unfold, but truth is, many companies live and die by the reception their newest product lines receive at this event.

Here at "The Raja Show", we pride ourselves on keeping an eye on the future, and as such, are fans of the futuristic vision that the CES provides the technogeek in all of us. On this edition of "The Raja Show", we talk with one of the foremost authorities on consumer technology in the United States, a man who prides himself on being "The Digital Answer Man". Jim Barry, who has spent decades as the face of the Consumer Technology Association, and has written and presented extensively on the subject of consumer technology for a wide array of media, will talk with Raja about the companies that thrived, and the ones that fell behind as the dust settles on CES 2016. He'll also provide a look at what consumers can expect from the current and future crops of technological advancement in the months and years to come.

Whether you're on the cutting edge of what's new and what's hot in the world of technology, or you're as hardcore a luddite as they come, this conversation will be a must when it comes to the information you need to know (or the info that you need to know you're missing)
