

Leon Acord (actor/writer/producer) - Jul 04,2013

July 03, 2013

Leon Acord, star, lead actor, and exectutive producer of the award-winning webseries, "Old Dogs, New Tricks," returns after his successful indiegogo comapaign, where the show received full funding for a complete season 3. In addition ot discussing his hit show, Leon will be talking about current topics with Rob, Dani, & Scotia, including the demise of DOMA.

Leon Acordrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | Old Dogs New Tricksrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | web seriesrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | LGBTrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | DOMArss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png
