

Kate Linder (Esther, The Young and the Restless) - Jun 28,2013

June 27, 2013

It was over 30 years ago, in April, 1982, Kate Linder got the role and delivered her line, "Dinner is served," on "The Young and the Restless." She was asked back the next day and the next. Now she remains a key member of the top-rated daytime dramas cast. Still the realist, however, she continues to fly the friendly skies of United on weekends while simultaneously appearing on the soap opera. In 2005, Linder was elected to two terms as Governor of Daytime Programming Peer Group for the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (the folks who put on the Emmy Awards). On April 10, 2008, Linder received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Linders role as Esther Valentine has been one of emotional highs and lows as the confidante and housekeeper to Mrs. Katherine Chancellor (Jeanne Cooper), the wealthiest woman in town. Mrs. Chancellor and Esther were kidnapped together (twice!) and Mrs. Chancellor delivered Esthers child, originally named Kate, now an adult calling herself Chloe, with a child of her own. Their relationship was severely tested when Esthers first husband murdered Mrs. Chancellors husband during an attempted robbery and second husband was one of their kidnappers (Esther has the worst taste in men) but the two women learned to rely on one another for moral support and friendship.Linder enjoys the best of two worlds — on the air and in the air. "Acting is my life," says Linder. "Its what I do for a living and my creative satisfaction. Flying is what I do to stay grounded as long as I can work it into my schedule."

Kate Linderrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | Esther Valentinerss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | The Young and the Restlessrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | Soap Operasrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | actorsrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png
