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Latest Episodes

Where Water Should Not Be
August 08, 2019

Why do we have to deal with this!?

Why Am I Tired: A Message
April 09, 2019


A Little Bit of Everything
March 21, 2019

A party, perception, and some shout outs. It’s so simple this week, you won’t even be able to handle it. ❤️

Periods and Their Products
March 07, 2019

If you think your period is annoying, imagine the girl in India who has to use an old mattress as a pad. Learn about challenges facing women all over the world as they try to deal with their own PERIOD. https:

Early Morning Anger and Daniel Johnston
February 21, 2019

This week I recommend a great documentary “The Devil and Daniel Johnston”, about a man just as unique as his music. You can watch a vintage performance of his here: https://youtu.be/ICLXH8wdXhk

Let’s Talk About Sex...... Gender and Sexuality! ❤️
February 14, 2019

Valentine’s Day gives us a great opportunity to discuss sex. And gender. And sexuality. Maybe you’ll learn something you didn’t know, or maybe you can teach me something I might have left out. ❤️

Home Invasion
February 07, 2019

It turns out that even your most irrational fears, are just that: Irrational.

Rest Can Equal Joy
January 31, 2019

Have you ever needed a break? Yeah, me too. Take this week to turn your brain down, and create joy everywhere you go.

Quoth the Crow: “Kaw, kaw!”
January 24, 2019

Crows aren’t scary, especially when they’re your best friends. Find out how to make your own unlikely animal pairing in this episode.

Radiohead and the Soundtrack
January 17, 2019

This week: Thom Yorke takes a shower (maybe), and surprises at Electric Ladyland. Full audio of Unmade can be found on all major music streaming services and YouTube. https://youtu.be/TxHgmAFkNyI
