Quality Living Made Simple |Build and maintain a quality life with simplicity | Listen to Chris LoCu

Quality Living Made Simple |Build and maintain a quality life with simplicity | Listen to Chris LoCu

Why You Should Stop Waiting to Write | Kent Sanders (#045)

February 04, 2014

Kent Sanders was on episode 9, talking about how to use Evernote to simplify your life. This week, Kent joins me in talking about writing (journals, books, blogs, etc.). He also has

Here’s how you can connect with him:

Seeing that his blog and podcast is called “The Artist’s Suitcase,” I start by asking him what an artist is.

What are some different ways of writing that you use?

  • Blog
  • Podcast
  • E-books

What are some benefits that you’ve had with writing?

  • Clarify ideas
  • Share your ideas
  • Connect and engage with people

What tips would you have for someone wanting to start writing?

  • Just do it and stop wait
  • Find a way to get your stuff out there
  • Learn the craft of writing

How would you define “Quality Living”?

  • Having the love and respect of those closest to you
  • Knowing what your purpse, passion, and gifts are
  • Not: Looking for satisfaction in the wrong areas

What are some simple tools or practices that you use to work toward a better quality of life?

  • Resolving conflict with people

Can you describe a failure you’ve had and how you were able to overcome it?

  • Student reviews – “How was this class? How was I as a teacher? …”

What are a couple resources you would recommend?

  • “Writing Riches” by Ray Edwards
  • “$100 Startup” by Chris Gillebeau
  • The Fizzle Show (Fizzle.co)
  • 48Days.net

