Day of Transition 2014 - QC STEP Podcast #69

October 15, 2014

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The Day of Transition 2014 is less than three weeks away. On this episode of The QC STEP Podcast, I will share details on this conference that you may attending.

The Day of Transition 2014 will be held on November 4th at the College Center on the campus of Augustana College. We are mixing things up a little with the conference this year. We won’t have as many sessions or speakers, but we plan for this conference to be more interactive than last year’s.

Depending on which sessions you’ll be in, you may have the opportunity to do mock interviews with real hiring managers from businesses around the Quad Cities, and then meet with them to learn what positions their businesses have that you might be interested in.

You may also have the opportunity to meet with representatives from post-secondary programs and get information on your post-secondary education options.

Berniece will be doing two sessions for the conference. The first will be on the fundamentals of interviews. If you are in the session, Berniece and Matthew Mulder help you lay the foundation for your interviewing skills. Later in the morning, Berniece will do a session on selling your experience and selling yourself during an interview. She will help you identify the skills and experiences you can sell in an interview and give you practical tips on how to present those things to the interviewing manager.

After lunch is our keynote presentation: Handicap This! I think that you will enjoy this presentation from Mike and Tim. In this podcast episode, I include a promo video for Handicap This.

The post Day of Transition 2014 – QC STEP Podcast #69 appeared first on QCSTEP.com.
