3 Tips for Interviewing in a Loud Environment - Podcast #54

February 27, 2014

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On this week’s episode of the podcast, I talk about interviewing in a loud environment. Ideally, job interviews take place in a nice and quiet office. However, many work-places aren’t nice and quiet and don’t have any quiet areas. In Episode #48, I talked about group interviews and how you need to be prepared for any type of interview situation. Interviewing in a loud environment is one situation that you should mentally prepare for before you walk into that business for the interview.

I talk about the three things you can do to be successful with an interview in a loud environment:

1. Ignore Distractions

2. Use Appropriate Volume When You Talk

3. Make Sure You Can Hear The Interviewer

If you think you will most likely not face this situation, you might be surprised where different businesses conduct their interviews. In one of the very first episodes of the podcast that I did last year, I interviewed a hiring manager from McDonald’s and she said that she does interviews in the dining area of the restaurant. This would lead to a lot of distractions and if you follow the tips I give in this episode, you will be more likely to be successful in interviewing in a loud environment.

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