“Should You Leave Your Job For a New Position?” - QC STEP Podcast #53

February 20, 2014

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The world of work is full of many complicated and confusing choices. On this episode of the podcast, I talk with you about one of these situations – a situation that is not a bad one to be in – Should you leave your job for a new position?

Photo Feb 20, 1 19 29 PMLike many topics I cover on the podcast, there are lots of gray areas when looking at this. There are many reasons you may be applying for new jobs while you continue to work a position. When looking at this topic, I talk about three things to consider:

1. How many hours will you receive at each job?

2. What fits into your long term goal?

3. What do you like?

I also talk about buying yourself time in making the decision by trying to work both jobs for a few weeks. By doing this, you will be able to make a more informed decision.

On this episode, I also let you know about a job fair and a career fair coming up. The Black Hawk College job fair is on March 26th and the Career Fair for People with Disabilities is at the iWireless Center in Moline on April 7th.

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- QC STEP Podcast #53
appeared first on QCSTEP.com.
